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2024 SBS Foal Photo Contest Winner

September 20, 2024

Posted by SBS in General Interest

2024_Foal_Foal_Quinnessential_Kjento 200x Congratulations to Emily Allen who has won a $100 Amazon.com gift certificate for the photo Ed Amber took of her foal, Ulberto SMF (Kjento x Quinnessential).  We had many wonderful entries this year, the most ever in the SBS Foal Photo Contest!  Notable mentions for this year’s contest include the runners up of FS Frosted Rodeo Gal by MM Frosted Ta Fame and Ubette by Louisville HTF.

Click here to view photos of the other foals produced by SBS at one of our SBS affiliate laboratories. The contest may be over for this year, but we would love to post your foal photos to our website. Please send them via email to erinbishop@SelectBreeders.com.

We already have some exciting plans for the 2025 SBS Foal Photo Contest so be sure to have your cameras out next year to snap that winning photo!

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Please Note - photos used in these news articles are available in the public domain, have been purchased through istockphoto or (when referencing breeders or horses) have been submitted to Select Breeders Services Inc. by the breeding farm or horse owner. Photo credit has been provided where applicable. If at anytime you see something that needs to be addressed please feel free to contact us directly.

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