Studio Veterinario Associato Luretta
Presently SBSItalia offers services in equine semen freezing, storage and distribution, embryo transfer, Ovum Pick Up (OPU) and ICSI, stud farm medicine and neonatology. SBSitalia also offers to its clients the opportunity of standing stallions during the breeding season for shipping cooled semen domestically and internationally . The facility boasts 25 stalls that host between 40 to 50 mares during the breeding season. All mares are bred either with frozen or cooled semen. The northern Italian equine reproduction facility includes a well designed palpation room for intensive ultrasound monitoring of the mares, a foaling unit and an intensive care unit for equine neonates. SBSItalia operates an European Union (EU) approved up to date laboratory for equine semen freezing and frozen semen distribution. As a Select Breeders Services Affiliated Laboratory, SBSItalia freezes 400-500 ejaculates of equine semen a year and stores almost 4000 insemination doses of frozen semen. SBSItalia operates successfully in the International distribution of equine frozen semen. SBSItalia also runs a full equine Embryo Transfer program counting on a 15/20 recipient mare herd. SBSItalia is an EU authorized Embryo Transfer center and performs non-surgical transfers of fresh embryos collected at its facility and of cooled shipped or frozen-thawed equine embryos.
Quarter Horse Semen Available at SBSItalia/ Materiale seminale stoccato c/o SBSItalia
Dr. Sandro Barbacini
Dr. Sandro Barbacini, whose veterinary clinic is located in Northern Italy, directs the activities of SBS Europe. Formally created in 2000, SBS Europe has affiliates in key equine centers throughout Europe. Dr. Barbacini oversees SBS work and is responsible for implementing the rigorous quality control standards for which SBS is known. Dr. Barbacini is actually a Board Member of the World Equine Veterinary Association (WEVA).
Dr. Roberto Casaroli
Dr. Roberto Casaroli graduated in veterinary medicine in 1991in Parma-Italy with a thesis about the use of frozen semen in equine reproduction. He is a founder of Studio Veterinario Associato Luretta in which he and his colleagues deal with horse and pet animals. The major interests of Roberto are equine reproduction and internal medicine. (Dott.Roberto Casaroli, laureato in medicina veterinaria a Parma-Italia nel 1991 con una tesi sull'utilizzo del seme congelato nel cavallo. È un socio fondatore dello Studio Veterinario Associato Luretta, struttura dove si svolgono attività sui cavalli e piccoli animali. I campi di interesse sono la riproduzione equina e la clinica medica del cavallo.)
Marta Agrò
Marta Agrò attended Liceo Classico and she finished it in 2007. After graduating high school, she studied at university of Parma. Marta's responsibilities at Studio Veterinario Associato Luretta include the management of mares and stallions as well as semen collection, storage of frozen semen, distribution of both cooled and frozen semen. (Marta Agrò ha frequentato il liceo classico e dopo essersi diplomata, nel 2007, si è iscritta a Scienze e Tecniche Equine a Parma. Nel 2010 ha frequentato il corso UOFAA per diventare fecondatore laico di cavalli. Attualmente, presso lo Studio Veterinario Associato Luretta, si occupa della gestione di fattrici e stalloni,dello stoccaggio di seme equino e della preparazione/spedizione di dry shipper.)
Articles by Dr. Sandro Barbacini:
AI Using Cooled and Frozen Semen
Use of Frozen Semen in an AI Center: Technical Management and Obtainable Results
Frozen Semen Myths and Misconceptions/ Miti ed Idee sbagliate sul seme congelato
An Interview with Dr. Sandro Barbacini/ Un Intervista con Dr. Sandro Barbacini
Factors Affecting the Uterine Inflammatory Response to Semen