Color Proof
Stud Fee 1,325.00 USD
- Breed: Paint
- Discipline: Cutting, Reining, Steer Stopping, Team Roping, Working Cow Horse
- Registry: APHA
- Export qualified: no
- Available in:
- Owner: Brianna Kannon
- Last Updated: Mon Apr 08, 2024
Homozygous Tobiano
E/e A/a Negative for All Other White Genes
7 Panel Negative
"Merlin" Was a Ranch Horse, Ranch Rodeo Horse up until the time he was bought by Burnin' B Ranch when he was then put in the show pen where he began his short carrer.
$2300+ Money Earned in his short carrer with several APHA points accumulated. He was showing in Team Roping, Steer Stopping, Ranch Riding, Ranch Reining, Ranch Pleasure and Halter sucessfully before a untimely early retirement.
Foals are just starting to really hit the show pen and we can't wait to see how they do in the future.
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