Stud Fee 1,200.00 USD
- Breed: Morgan
- Discipline:
- Registry: American Morgan Horse Association
- Export qualified: yes
- Qualified for:
- Available in:
- Owner: Jennifer Weske-Monroe
- Last Updated: Fri Nov 28, 2014
MEMC Crown Royal is a rare buckskin splash sabino stallion. He produces his cream, sabino and splash color genes 50% of the time and most foals get 2-3 genes each. More importantly, he sires exotic, elegant, typy Morgans with good size, movement and versatility and always, a golden disposition. His sire was a winning sport horse. His dam a mare of distinction. His dam's full sister is being exported to Australia in Summer 2013 at age 17yrs.
Crown Royal is broke to ride and 2013 Fall was his first time offered to outside mares.His semen is frozen and qualified for export to EU, Aus, NZ, Norway and Switzerland.
MEMC Morgans specializes in pinto cream dilute Morgans of classical type and temperment.
See our website at www.memcmorgans.com
MEMC Morgans is also on Facebook page where news is often shared daily
MEMC Crown Royal has 13 foals, to date. Two stallion sons reside in Europe. He is the sire of the Morgan horse breed's first registered homozygous splash white Morgan colt (MEMC On Target).
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