Zip Me Impressive
Stud Fee 1,200.00 USD
- Breed: Appaloosa
- Discipline: Barrel Racing, Calf Roping, Cutting, Driving, English Pleasure, Halter, Heading, Healing, Hunter Jumper, Hunter Under Saddle, Reining, Steer Stopping, Western Performance, Western Pleasure, Working Cow Horse
- Registry: Appaloosa Horse Club
- Export qualified: yes
- Qualified for: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, European Union, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Other, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United States, Uruguay
- Available in: United States
- Owner: William Thiel
- Last Updated: Thu Mar 31, 2011
Saddlebrook is proud to offer the services of Supreme Champion and 2003 World's Best Appaloosa Zip Me Impressive (HYPP N/N).
A flashy dark bay with a spotted blanket, "Zippy" has plenty of pizzazz. Zippy has a level head and responsive personality you don't often find in a stallion. This product of the very best bloodlines in the world will enhance quality and put sizzle in your breeding program.
Saddlebrook Appaloosas offers both shipped semen, frozen semen, and traditional mare care. Zip Me Impressive has excellent motility and a 90% conception rate on the first insemination! LFG!
Elegance and strength personified. His picture is worth a million words. TAKE A LOOK at this dynamic performer!
"Zippy" boasts Zippo Jack Bar (AQHA Champion Sire, ROM Sire, World Champion Sire, Superior Performance Sire); Zippo Pine Bar (AQHA Champion, High Point Western Riding Horse); Impressive (World Champion Aged Stallion); Mr. Impressive (World Champion Stallion, AQHA Stallion, Superior Halter Horse) and Sundown bloodlines. HYPP-/-. Zippy's foals are outstanding! Breeders Trust eligible.
Zip Me Impressive has been selected as the Worlds's Best Appaloosa by the Appaloosa Horse Club! Click Here to see video of him in action!
Zip Me Impressive holds 50 Top Ten World and National and Year end titles, Three bronze medallions and 14 ROMs.
His Show Record...
- 2003 World's Best Appaloosa
- ApHC Supreme Champion (The youngest ever!)
- ApHC Versatility Champion
- ApHC Champion
- 3 Bronze Medallions
- ROM Hunter in Hand (Seventh in the Nation for 1997)
- ROM Most Colorful (Reserve Canadian National Champion 2003)
- ROM 3 Year Old Western Pleasure (Second in the Nation 1998)
- ROM Junior Western Pleasure (Sixth in the Nation 1998)
- ROM 3 Year Old Hunt Seat
- ROM Junior Hunt Seat
- ROM Junior Trail (6th out of 32 at the 1998 Worlds)
- ROM Junior Reining
- ROM Judged Heeling (3rd at Nationals 1999)
- ROM Judged Heading (First in Nation 2000)
- ROM Heading and Heeling (3rd of 43 at Worlds 2003)
- ROM Timed Calf Roping
- ROM Judged Calf Roping
- ROM Keyhole
- Two Time Reserve World Champion
- Two Time Canadian National Champion
- Reserve Canadian National Champion Western Riding, Senior Western Pleasure, Halter, and Most Colorful
- Reserve Canadian National Cattle Horse
- Reserve Canadian National Timed Event (Games) Horse
- Overall Canadian National High Point Performance Horse
- Reserve World Champion Producer
- National Champion Producer
- Bronze Medallion Sire
Sire of Mulitple Reserve World and National Champion Appaloosa including Mulitple Resrve World Champion Zips Criminaly Pretty and National Champion ZMI Goes Hollywood
Here are some more of his Foals.
Photo Gallery
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