Storage & Distribution

Frozen Semen Storage
Frozen Semen Distribution
Quality Assurance Program
  • Motility Analysis: Conducted by CASA at 10 and 30 minutes post-thaw.
  • Sperm Concentration: Measured by Nucleocounter.
  • Bacterial Culture: To assess the presence of mare pathogens or heavy bacterial growth.
  • Motility Requirement: Minimum 30% progressively motile cells, providing at least 240 million progressively motile sperm per sample.
  • Bacterial Safety: Samples must be free from pathogenic bacteria, such as E. Coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, as well as any heavy bacterial contamination.
Import of Frozen Semen
Export of Frozen Semen
  • Freeze your stallion’s semen to meet specific country requirements
  • Provide clients with detailed health testing schedules for their stallions
  • Coordinate with your international clients
  • Compile necessary health test results
  • Prepare the health certificate to ensure a smooth transition through US Customs.